Plan and improve your finances now

With less than 4 months left to Christmas, I started looking for presents. If you think this is overthinking or planning waaay too far ahead, I beg to differ. This year seems to have flown by and I guess the next four months will pass just as quickly.

Even worse, I seem to be a lot closer to retirement than I’d like and whilst I still feel (and of course look) young, I know that there will be a time soon where it will be near impossible to find work due to my age. That can only mean one thing: at some point, I will need to live off my savings and retirement.

In short: it’s time to look at your finances, take stock and improve upon them.

How do you do that though?

First, take a look at all your money coming in. That includes everything from your income, pensions, trust funds (if you have them, good on you), your second job (if you need one, I’m sorry to hear that), interest (positive or negative), money you find on the street etc. Literally, write down where your money comes from in as much detail as possible.

Second, do the same for your outgoings. I suggest you are even more thorough when it comes to outgoings and note everything that has come out of your account, your wallet and even your piggy bank over the last year. Literally, look at what you pay – including fees and fines. Don’t hesitate to read the small print. This is where the trouble is buried which will catch you out when you least expect it.

If you have any assets such as but not limited to pensions, collections (coins, art, old wine?), insurances, savings, real estate, cars, trading accounts, anything at all, write down how much it is worth right now and when you plan on using the asset. When I say “using the asset” I mean exactly that: when will you be able to draw on your pension? When will the insurance get paid out (if at all)? Will you trade off your big house for a smaller one at some point in the future? When?

Now that you have a complete overview what your financial situation looks like, it’s time to look at how to reduce the cost of keeping all your accounts and assets running. Are there any fees you are paying but which don’t benefit you? Why are you paying them? How often? What can you do to reduce these costs?

Often costs can be reduced by streamlining your assets. For example, if you have two savings accounts, then both will charge some fee. Would it be better to only have one account and thus reduce the fees?

Finally, think about your future. Do you want to retire? When? How old will you be? How and where do you want to retire? Even if you plan to continue working forever, how will this lifestyle look like? How much money to you think you will need versus what will it cost?

There is no right and wrong to these steps since every person’s situation is different. The main point is to be honest with yourself. You also need to be brave in order to stick with the task. At times, the news won’t be good. I for one will have to work mighty hard over the next few years to have any chance of retirement in the future.

Lastly, you have to stay positive that no matter what the situation now, there will be a better future out there. A future where your finances are all taken care off and simply need a little effort every week to stay on top of it.

Good news have to be mentioned as well: President Biden and the Democratic party have forgiven student debt for the worst off (forgiven amount is tax-free), protected a higher amount of non-discretionary income from repayments and reduced the repayment from 10% to 5% of income. Great stuff! Well done to President Biden on keeping his election promise!

Yes, it is as simple as that. Look at all your money coming in, money going out followed by getting an overview over all investments (in the wider sense) that you own. Then look at how to reduce cost, streamline the setup and reduce tax paid on your various income.

When will you start to take responsibility for your finances?

Independence Day – whilst at war

Ukraine celebrated their Independence Day yesterday, on 25 August 2022. The reason why this is significant is the fact that Ukraine is still at war! Yes, after more than 6 months after the Russian invasion, the Russians are still attacking them regularly. This includes attacks at civilian institutions such as schools and hospitals as well as civilian homes.

On Ukraine’s Independence Day, Russians killed 22 civilians in a strike on a train station that was unnecessary and unprovoked.

Just let me be clear: I do NOT believe for a moment that all Russians think alike or that they all support the war. The situation is never that easy and generalizations should never be made. I firmly put the blame on Putin and his political machinery who are continuously misinforming the Russian population with propaganda to support their efforts.

What does that tell you about this war?

In my opinion, the war is an unnecessary provocation by an individual who appears to want to show strength in and an outdated toxic masculinity manner. A frail ego who can’t turn around his own country into a stable and productive society tries to drag down a more successful yet smaller nation to their own level.

Except for other toxic masculinity strongmen and fascists, most people and nations are against the terror being unleashed on Ukraine.

I agree that Ukraine is not a perfect country and they have their own issues – just like any other country on this beautiful planet. At least they were trying to make life better for their people. It’s a hard task this.

How do you even begin to progress a country into a better future if the country was torn apart by war and attacks over and over again?

Seriously, think about it: what would YOU personally do?

… and then, just as you thought it would start getting better, Trump blackmails you and withholds aid. You overcome that hurdle, move on and it’s COVID. You deal with the pandemic and just as the pandemic seems to ease, Ukraine finds itself at war. Tough times in Ukraine. Still, they celebrated Independence Day and erected flags even in Russia occupied areas. Good on them!

So, what can we do given most of us are not in Ukraine ourselves?

Yes, you guessed it. You can donate to charitable organizations who support Ukraine and Ukrainians during and after the war effort.

Even more importantly and yes, you heard me say this before: vote for better leadership in your own country so your own country won’t slip into dictatorship. By ensuring a peaceful, democratic, progressive mindset in the country you live in, you’ll help the whole world moving to a better future together.

Now go and vote! Actively participate in your own countries future!

Get fit, get healthy, get disciplined for your own good

Yes, it’s that time of year again. It’s hot, it’s stuffy and I’m sweaty. It’s summer time in the northern hemisphere and it’s hot right now. That can only mean one thing: time to reach a healthy weight and then stay there.

Just like last year… and the year before and the year before.

Why would it be different this year?

This year is different because this year matters.

There are increasing food prices for one and increasing petrol prices on top of that. Inflation has only started and technological unemployment will continue reducing job opportunities. That is why this year matters and every year from now on.

The main reason for getting healthy is the fact that a healthy mind needs a healthy body. After all, the brain is a part of your body. Therefore, it’s necessary to keep both of them running as well as possible.

Just look at Julia ‘Hurricane’ Hawkins who recently set a new world record – in the newly established 105+ category. Yes, she is 105 and only took up sprinting at age 100, after leaving cycling time trials behind because “there wasn’t anyone left my age to compete with“. I just hope I’ll be as fit and healthy as she is at her age.

Exercise also makes you feel good and is as effective as anti-depressants in mild to moderate cases. The endorphins created by your brain whilst engaging in exercise will give you a confidence and mood boost. When I was younger and went running every morning, I used to call it my “happy juice” that I ran on.

Most importantly, exercise makes you more disciplined. It may not feel like it in the beginning when you start out but stick with it. The more often you work out, the more energy you will get from it. Keep doing your exercise of choice every day. Start where you are, no matter where that is on the fitness scale. Simply start and then turn it into a habit. Do it every day. Sometimes it may be as little as a few minutes, sometimes it may be a few hours.

A lot has to be said about working out at approx. 80% of capacity. This does not mean that you are slacking off or that you are holding back. It simply means that you are working out in a way so that you can work out again the next day and then the day after and then the day after again. It also allows you to listen to your body better since you should not ever be in a situation to need half a week in pain to recover from any specific workout.

YES, you absolutely can go full out and hit your 100% effort. However, keep that for race day / competition day. Even professional sportspeople won’t go to 100% effort every time and keep their best performances for when it counts.

Let me say it again: Consistency is key.

Keep working out regularly and build a habit. Once the habit is established, you no longer have to think about it, you will simply do it because it is what you do every day. That is ultimately what discipline is all about: doing what is good for you even if it means establishing a new habit over a few weeks and months.

Discipline ultimately leads to a better life overall. If you are disciplined with keeping fit, chances are discipline will spill over into other areas in your life. Of course, this is helped by feeling better and being healthier… and this is how positive spirals start. One day you go for a longer walk, a month later you jog for a few minutes and start taking a course; a couple of years later you run a marathon and get your perfect job.

What is it that you will achieve with a little discipline?

Let’s make “CostPlus” the future

In 2018, Alexander Oshmyansky contacted Mark Cuban to invest in his vision of a retail pharmacy that wouldn’t bankrupt people in dire need of medication.

In 2022, the CostPlus Drug Company started trading and you can now buy your prescription medicine at a great discount. In the case of a 30 count supply of 400mg Imatinib, you will pay US $39 whilst the retail price at other companies is $9,657.30. Yes, that’s a whopping saving of $9,618.30.

This information and prices are taken directly from the CostPlus Drug Company website. If you don’t believe that a saving this large is possible, then please go and check the last prescription you had to pay for and compare it to the price on on the CostPlus website.

How did that work out? Would you have saved going to this new company?

I think you would have. I even think that you would have saved a lot. Additionally, you still can order contraception medication, Plan B and medication deemed abortifacient even though you may be using them for an unrelated matter such as autoimmune disease.

So how good is that?

The good news doesn’t stop there. The company produces the medication locally and thereby provides jobs. They are even setting up a factory to provide additional medications currently not available via their website yet.

Why is this success so hard to believe?

Well, for one, public companies in the US are legally obliged to create the largest possible profit for their shareholders. If a company is found to make a profit but less than they could have, then the senior management team could still be personally liable for damages due to a reduced profit. How crazy is that!

This is where CostPlusDrugs is slightly different. It is registered as a Public Benefit Corporation. It still is a “for profit” company and should turn a profit along the way. However, profit is not the only legal driver. It is allowed to “include positive impact on society, workers, the community and the environment in addition to profit as its legally defined goals” [Wikipedia]

Let’s take a step back and think about this statement for a moment.

Currently, the vast majority of companies are for-profit companies and their only legal goal is to maximize profits for shareholders.

Let this really sink in.

It is not the customer, not the employee, not the community, not the environment and not even the country which should benefit. ONLY shareholders ought to benefit.

I call bullshit on this system.

Public benefit corporations are the future and if I had anything to say, I would turn all for-profit companies into public benefit corporations and make them include their impact on the wider community as their legally obliged goal. That’s the only way we will get to a better place.

Let’s make CostPlus the future!

Try our new email notifications

Earlier this year, I decided to learn more about WordPress and about how to make my website better and more efficient. After a few busy months, I now am ready to include email notifications to my site.

You now can register in order to receive newsletters every time a post comes out. You can find the registration button the top of the right hand sidebar on the website or below the articles if you read on your phone.

If you are registered already, please subscribe yourself so as not to loose out since the transfer of the existing users will take a couple of weeks.

Try it out and see for yourself how easy it is to keep up to date. Later on, if you were to decide that you’d prefer not to receive emails, simply unsubscribe. It’s that easy.

Happy reading!