Get fit, get healthy, get disciplined for your own good

Yes, it’s that time of year again. It’s hot, it’s stuffy and I’m sweaty. It’s summer time in the northern hemisphere and it’s hot right now. That can only mean one thing: time to reach a healthy weight and then stay there.

Just like last year… and the year before and the year before.

Why would it be different this year?

This year is different because this year matters.

There are increasing food prices for one and increasing petrol prices on top of that. Inflation has only started and technological unemployment will continue reducing job opportunities. That is why this year matters and every year from now on.

The main reason for getting healthy is the fact that a healthy mind needs a healthy body. After all, the brain is a part of your body. Therefore, it’s necessary to keep both of them running as well as possible.

Just look at Julia ‘Hurricane’ Hawkins who recently set a new world record – in the newly established 105+ category. Yes, she is 105 and only took up sprinting at age 100, after leaving cycling time trials behind because “there wasn’t anyone left my age to compete with“. I just hope I’ll be as fit and healthy as she is at her age.

Exercise also makes you feel good and is as effective as anti-depressants in mild to moderate cases. The endorphins created by your brain whilst engaging in exercise will give you a confidence and mood boost. When I was younger and went running every morning, I used to call it my “happy juice” that I ran on.

Most importantly, exercise makes you more disciplined. It may not feel like it in the beginning when you start out but stick with it. The more often you work out, the more energy you will get from it. Keep doing your exercise of choice every day. Start where you are, no matter where that is on the fitness scale. Simply start and then turn it into a habit. Do it every day. Sometimes it may be as little as a few minutes, sometimes it may be a few hours.

A lot has to be said about working out at approx. 80% of capacity. This does not mean that you are slacking off or that you are holding back. It simply means that you are working out in a way so that you can work out again the next day and then the day after and then the day after again. It also allows you to listen to your body better since you should not ever be in a situation to need half a week in pain to recover from any specific workout.

YES, you absolutely can go full out and hit your 100% effort. However, keep that for race day / competition day. Even professional sportspeople won’t go to 100% effort every time and keep their best performances for when it counts.

Let me say it again: Consistency is key.

Keep working out regularly and build a habit. Once the habit is established, you no longer have to think about it, you will simply do it because it is what you do every day. That is ultimately what discipline is all about: doing what is good for you even if it means establishing a new habit over a few weeks and months.

Discipline ultimately leads to a better life overall. If you are disciplined with keeping fit, chances are discipline will spill over into other areas in your life. Of course, this is helped by feeling better and being healthier… and this is how positive spirals start. One day you go for a longer walk, a month later you jog for a few minutes and start taking a course; a couple of years later you run a marathon and get your perfect job.

What is it that you will achieve with a little discipline?