We must do better!

Those are the words of Matthew McConaughey, a Uvalde native, after the mass shooting at Robb Elementary school in Ulvade, Texas.

He is right. We must do better!

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

All of us have 24 hours a day which present themselves with plenty of opportunities to choose how to respond and how to act. This includes the smallest of actions like stopping to pet the dog who comes up to you in the morning which has shown health benefits or simply to walk past. It includes more impactful decisions like walking away from a toxic job or sticking with it. It includes the decision to call your representative to come up with better gun laws. You can find your representative and if you need a little help, here is a “How to Call” page to set you up for success.

After all, there are laws and checks and licenses for driving a car even in Texas, so why not for guns?

The reason there are little to no gun laws is because politicians have no incentive to change the current laws. Yes, there is an attempt by the Democratic party to raise the age limit for purchasing semi-automatic rifles from 18 to 21. This is a good first step and it is backed up by a Washington Post investigation into school shootings suggesting that the “median age of school shooters is 16”.

Will it work though? Will Republicans agree and pass the law? OR will the GOP block gun laws?

That depends on you and the choices you make and the actions you take. If you call your representative to urge them to implement gun laws, then they will be compelled to take action. This is how democracy works. The people decide what they want and the representative take action upon the people’s wishes. That is why “we the people” need to do our part and make our voices heard – every single day.

We must do better!

We must demand better!

We must demand better gun laws!

Step Up, Run For Office And Save A Life

Running for office is not only trendy these days, it is also important to create the world you want to live in.

Whether you want to stop mass shootings in schools or in general, enable healthcare for everyone or prevent wildfires, it pays to be in a position of power to make your mark on the world.

But why ME? Aren’t there enough people who want to run the country?

That’s a question I hear a lot and you are right. You are right. There are A LOT of people who want to impose their view of the world onto others through being in a position of power. That is the reason why it is important to fully participate yourself. Otherwise, it will be others who create their ideal world – whether you like it or not. For example, Wayne LaPierre (CEO and Executive VP of the NRA) has a clear idea of how he wants the world to look like and so does Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito who is busy overturning Roe v Wade and then banning contraception and then banning LGBTQ rights. Who knows where it will end.

That is why it is important for YOU to take action also.

Photo by Markus Spiske from Pexels

I know, it may be out of your comfort zone or involve skills which you need to learn first. I hope you understand that any skills you acquire whilst preparing for or engaging in any official role will benefit you in the job market also.

If you think it is too hard or takes too much of your time though, think again. Many initial roles don’t take too much time and are a good opportunity to learn about the organization. For example, before running for your school board, you may want to start with attending school board meetings and raising issues there. Once you are familiar with the process, people and set up, you can decide to run yourself.

Just imagine, if every parent with a child in school would bring valid issues to the school board with the same determination, I’m sure they would be run differently – and possibly by different people.

The same holds true for the organizing members of Toastmasters clubs, local councils all the way to Congress. You can only influence what you are actively participating in. Voting is a great first step, but sometimes, it is not enough. Sometimes, it is important to take action yourself.

If you want to participate and think that you don’t have the money or the time to participate, think again. In 2018, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortezwas outspent by a margin of 18 to 1 ($1.5 million to $83,000)” and won against a 10 term incumbent. She did this through grassroots mobilization and to this day, Ocasio-Cortez does not take donations from corporations. Yes, it can be done.

Now imagine what you could do if you put your mind to it. Imagine the world you want to live in.

What will you do? Stand by the sidelines or step up for what you believe in? Take that action and create the world you deserve!

Fight for your right to privacy!

I am a very private person. Whilst I’m happy to share a lot of personal information with people I know and trust, I don’t tend to share important data and most certainly, I won’t share it with everyone. For example, I do not want to share my menstruation pattern with anyone at all least of all Facebook. I see no point in sharing my personal health information with my workplace. After all, if I’m fit to carry out my work, then there shouldn’t be any need to reveal more. I also see no point in sharing information on my personal believes or political affiliation with anyone other than those I wish to share it with.

The reason is not that I want to hide things. The reason is plain and simple that it’s nobody’s business.

If you haven’t seen the movie “Anon” (2018) yet, I highly recommend it. My favorite quote of the movie is uttered by the main character without a digital footprint: “It’s not that I have something to hide. I have nothing I want you to see.” This is how I feel too.

Why is privacy important?

Privacy is important because if it’s not respected, people die. As simple as that. For example, during World War II, people rightly or wrongly identified as “enemies of the state” were killed. It did not matter if they were a conscientious objector like Jägerstätter or Jewish or homosexual or mentally challenged (my grandmother’s brother was forcibly removed from their home in 1943) .

In the “United” States of America, privacy is being destroyed right now whilst we sit back and watch it happen. With the Republican plan to overturn Roe v Wade, privacy is under direct threat.

Sidebar: Overturning Roe v Wade is NOT going to stop abortions. It will merely make it more expensive and more dangerous – unless illegal abortion networks start up again… or we start using a DIY menstrual extraction kits again.

Roe v Wade is not about abortion. It is about privacy. It was a decision that everyone – man, woman, child – has a right to privacy. After all, it’s nobody’s business to know if you are pregnant or not… or if you want to – or are able to – bring up a child.

Please don’t think that Roe v Wade is only an issue that impacts women of child bearing age. Privacy – or lack thereof – impacts all of us (homosexuals, those in interracial relationships, disabled people, etc same list as above) and NOW is the time to act.

To keep YOUR right to privacy, I urge you to go out on the streets and make your voice heard! Call your senators and congressman and all other representatives and tell them to keep Roe v Wade as is!

I implore you to go out in November and vote for the party that has YOUR privacy and YOUR health interests at heart!

Keep showing your support and remeber to take action

The war in Ukraine has been going on for a full month now!

Flag of Ukraine
Flag of Ukraine; Source: Wikipedia

At this point, the war is still in the news as more and more war crimes happen in the region. There is still support for Ukrainians from civilians and aid agencies all over the world and I hope it will continue.

It is important that the attention remains because there are conflicts which no longer show up on our radars. Do you still remember the civil war in Syria? Did you know that over 6 million refugees fled their country? Inside Syria, another 6 million people are displaced. Yes, a total of 13 million people left their home for fear of death, injury or worse. The worst may be over by now but the war in Syria is still a crisis.

And what about Afghanistan, Lebanon or Yemen? They are still in crisis too. This is not a “what about-ism”. I’m merely trying to highlight how many war zones we currently have on this beautiful world.

According to Wikipedia, there are 57 ongoing armed conflicts at time of writing. 57! That’s too much. Looking at the Global Conflict Tracker, none of them are improving.

Are you overwhelmed yet? Do you think you are too far away to make a difference?

There is always the option to either donate to aid organizations or to volunteer for charities who champion peace and human rights such as Amnesty International.

The most important step is to take responsibility for your own actions. Yes, your actions – no matter how small – make a difference. Stopping a bully picking on a smaller child in kindergarten in a productive way will have an impact on both children. Reporting crime when you see it, is another good example – even if you think that nothing will come from it.

Taking part in protests and calling your political representative to push for change are also a great way to ensure your voice is heard. So is to run for office yourself; even if you participate on a school board, you will have a chance to make this world a better place.

It is important that you do your part.

This includes to show up at the voting booth and vote for the peaceful, democratic, inclusive party. The party that comes up with plans for the future and ideas on how to keep everyone included. Vote as if your life depended on it – because sooner or later, it will.

Sign up to vote in YOUR best interest

It is time to mention it again: it is important to vote!

In most countries, elections are held regularly to allow every person to participate in how the country is run. This is the biggest chance of getting your voice heard and putting someone in power who will champion YOUR interests.

Yes, vote for your interests and yours only. If you want women’s rights protected, go and vote for the party who actually has female members and leaders. Don’t vote for the party where the leaders are “grabbing them by the pussy” or where it’s OK to rape women because “boys will be boys”.

If you feel financial stability is important to you, I suggest you look at the track record of the parties on offer. Here, I will ask you to dig deep. Don’t rely on what you hear in the media but try and find the actual records of how each party acted, spent money and made you better off. Which party did go into debt for real? Which party lowered unemployment really?

If you want a better world for your children, again, I suggest you look at what each party has to offer. Is there a party that sticks out as supporting the greater good for future generations via infrastructure projects or childcare?

I highly recommend you think about what kind of a future you want to help create and then vote accordingly.

First, you have to sign up so that you will be allowed to vote. Then, you will have time to figure out who to vote for.

I urge you to sing up today and make your voice heard.