Be a little selfish at times

On Thursday, I tried to motivate you by appealing to your own best interest. This got me thinking that selfishness seems to have a very bad reputation. When I grew up, I always had to share my toys with my siblings and at school, we had to watch out for weaker pupils in class to make sure we all graduated together.

Whilst I am very much in favor of helping others and see it as one way of building a better society, I have to point out that being a little selfish at times is also needed.

You may have heard of self-care or the damaging results of the Superwoman Syndrome or just be overworked yourself. I’m sure many of you could do with a little help at times – or just some time to yourself. There are many benefits that taking a few moments out of a stressful day keeps you happy and healthy.

There is also no downside to putting yourself first when there is only one drumstick left at the end of the meal and you really want it. Unless you want (need?) to loose weight, there shouldn’t be anything stopping you from indulging sometimes.

More importantly, in a work and business setting, don’t be shy and do apply for every opportunity in which you would gain new skills, learn new techniques and earn more money. If you don’t put yourself first, nobody else will do it for you.

I invite you to be a little selfish at times and to take a few minutes every day to yourself or apply for that promotion or have that last piece of chocolate, if that’s what you want. Go for it!

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