I am a very private person. Whilst I’m happy to share a lot of personal information with people I know and trust, I don’t tend to share important data and most certainly, I won’t share it with everyone. For example, I do not want to share my menstruation pattern with anyone at all least of all Facebook. I see no point in sharing my personal health information with my workplace. After all, if I’m fit to carry out my work, then there shouldn’t be any need to reveal more. I also see no point in sharing information on my personal believes or political affiliation with anyone other than those I wish to share it with.
The reason is not that I want to hide things. The reason is plain and simple that it’s nobody’s business.

If you haven’t seen the movie “Anon” (2018) yet, I highly recommend it. My favorite quote of the movie is uttered by the main character without a digital footprint: “It’s not that I have something to hide. I have nothing I want you to see.” This is how I feel too.
Why is privacy important?
Privacy is important because if it’s not respected, people die. As simple as that. For example, during World War II, people rightly or wrongly identified as “enemies of the state” were killed. It did not matter if they were a conscientious objector like Jägerstätter or Jewish or homosexual or mentally challenged (my grandmother’s brother was forcibly removed from their home in 1943) .
In the “United” States of America, privacy is being destroyed right now whilst we sit back and watch it happen. With the Republican plan to overturn Roe v Wade, privacy is under direct threat.
Sidebar: Overturning Roe v Wade is NOT going to stop abortions. It will merely make it more expensive and more dangerous – unless illegal abortion networks start up again… or we start using a DIY menstrual extraction kits again.
Roe v Wade is not about abortion. It is about privacy. It was a decision that everyone – man, woman, child – has a right to privacy. After all, it’s nobody’s business to know if you are pregnant or not… or if you want to – or are able to – bring up a child.
Please don’t think that Roe v Wade is only an issue that impacts women of child bearing age. Privacy – or lack thereof – impacts all of us (homosexuals, those in interracial relationships, disabled people, etc same list as above) and NOW is the time to act.
To keep YOUR right to privacy, I urge you to go out on the streets and make your voice heard! Call your senators and congressman and all other representatives and tell them to keep Roe v Wade as is!
I implore you to go out in November and vote for the party that has YOUR privacy and YOUR health interests at heart!