Independence Day – whilst at war

Ukraine celebrated their Independence Day yesterday, on 25 August 2022. The reason why this is significant is the fact that Ukraine is still at war! Yes, after more than 6 months after the Russian invasion, the Russians are still attacking them regularly. This includes attacks at civilian institutions such as schools and hospitals as well as civilian homes.

On Ukraine’s Independence Day, Russians killed 22 civilians in a strike on a train station that was unnecessary and unprovoked.

Just let me be clear: I do NOT believe for a moment that all Russians think alike or that they all support the war. The situation is never that easy and generalizations should never be made. I firmly put the blame on Putin and his political machinery who are continuously misinforming the Russian population with propaganda to support their efforts.

What does that tell you about this war?

In my opinion, the war is an unnecessary provocation by an individual who appears to want to show strength in and an outdated toxic masculinity manner. A frail ego who can’t turn around his own country into a stable and productive society tries to drag down a more successful yet smaller nation to their own level.

Except for other toxic masculinity strongmen and fascists, most people and nations are against the terror being unleashed on Ukraine.

I agree that Ukraine is not a perfect country and they have their own issues – just like any other country on this beautiful planet. At least they were trying to make life better for their people. It’s a hard task this.

How do you even begin to progress a country into a better future if the country was torn apart by war and attacks over and over again?

Seriously, think about it: what would YOU personally do?

… and then, just as you thought it would start getting better, Trump blackmails you and withholds aid. You overcome that hurdle, move on and it’s COVID. You deal with the pandemic and just as the pandemic seems to ease, Ukraine finds itself at war. Tough times in Ukraine. Still, they celebrated Independence Day and erected flags even in Russia occupied areas. Good on them!

So, what can we do given most of us are not in Ukraine ourselves?

Yes, you guessed it. You can donate to charitable organizations who support Ukraine and Ukrainians during and after the war effort.

Even more importantly and yes, you heard me say this before: vote for better leadership in your own country so your own country won’t slip into dictatorship. By ensuring a peaceful, democratic, progressive mindset in the country you live in, you’ll help the whole world moving to a better future together.

Now go and vote! Actively participate in your own countries future!

Celebrate this Sunday the monumental Loving Day

On 12 June every year, people celebrate Loving Day in the USA. It marks the outcome of the 1967 landmark case “Loving versus Virginia“. With it, laws against interracial marriage and relations were ruled unconstitutional across all of the USA.

Mildred and Richard Loving in 1967; source: Wikipedia

What an achievement!

Pat yourselves on the back and celebrate the achievement. Now get up again and keep the ruling alive. Yes, you heard me correctly. The ruling is in danger of being overturned. Similar to the Roe v. Wade debate, this ruling is in danger of being repealed. It may be a little further into the future, however, once women’s rights are taken way, black and brown people will be next, before other minorities will be oppressed.

The first signs of coming oppression are already with us. Gerrymandering and voter suppression are reality for many and so is police violence. Both disadvantage people of color. Changing the Loving v. Virginia ruling will take away your right to choose the person who you want to spend the rest of your life with. Further, it appears to me to be the first step towards legalizing segregation. Who knows were it will end. I don’t even want to speculate.

The Loving v. Virginia ruling is already being discussed at higher levels and GOP politicians seem to think that individual states should make the decisions themselves. Just like they did with Roe v. Wade which is in the process of being overturned. You can watch the tragedy unfold right in front of your eyes… if you dare to keep them open.

If you live outside of the USA, you would be forgiven to think that this has no impact on your life. Think again. Looking back over history, the rise of fascism in one country often encouraged similar trends in other countries. I’m thinking of the outcome of the recent elections in Hungary followed by increased emergency powers for Viktor Orban for example or the last Brazilian presidential elections in 2018.

So, what can we do to keep our freedom?

It is the same routine as always: register to vote, then go and vote the GOP out of office.

You should also phone your representative and tell them to keep the law, so that they understand how important it is.

Alternatively, you can move to a more liberal country if this option is open to you.

It is up to you how you want to move forward: keep your freedoms and vote for them – OR – loose them.

Choose wisely!

Get out! Your life may depend on it…

I grew up in a place with few good job opportunities and if you were a woman, there were practically none. I used to joke that the only options for a woman are to either become a dependent of some husband or other for all of eternity or to become a nun or to leave. So I left.

As it turns out, all of my friends I met along the way were in similar situations. For one reason or another, they had to leave. The reasons sound all too familiar: lack of opportunity, poverty, sexism, racism or any other garden variety persecution.

Sidenote: Did you know that passports as we know them have only been in existence for a little over 100 years?

Watching the news and looking around me, I feel that many places fall back into a hole that resembles the places where my friends have come from: war in Ukraine; misogyny, racism and a broken democracy in the United States of America; over 70% inflation in Argentina; genocide in China; oppression in Russia… the list goes on. People are in danger.

If I lived in any of these countries, I’d be on my way out – and I understand that this is a big task. Some countries don’t allow their citizens to leave. You read correctly: you are locked up inside your own country. The country simply does not give you an “exit visa” and you can’t leave. After all, you “belong” to the country just like a slave belongs to the slave owner. Other people are already fleeing a war zone as refugees, in which case I’d suggest you keep going and I wish you all the best.

For all others who live in a country headed towards dictatorship, I recommend you work towards a way out. Even small actions matter to ensure you have a chance to live a long, happy and fulfilling life.

So let’s look at what’s needed.

For starters, if you are young enough then you may get visas based on age. There are plenty of countries who are willing to let you in – at least temporarily – if you are young and can contribute to their society. Check visa options for your favorite destinations and see what they can offer and apply. If you don’t apply, it will never happen. What do you have to lose? Or better: What do you have to gain?

Next, I’d always suggest getting educated to a level where it is easier to move to another country. Many visa processes look at how you would fit into their system. One factor which will give you “brownie points” to entry is education. The thinking is that higher education equates to more contribution to GDP. Again, check visa options for places you’d like to live in. You may even find that you are eligible for a student visa. Give it a go and see what happens.

Keep in mind that education is not limited to ivy league establishments. It can cover everything including apprenticeships, online learning and even experiences you gain when volunteering. Every action you take to learn more will help you in the long run.

Of course, if you already have a job, especially in international organizations, you could work towards being moved to another country. I’ve worked with expats and most were grateful for the opportunities.

Sometimes you don’t even need to change countries. Sometimes it’s enough to move to another region or state. For example in the USA or Switzerland, each region / state can have (some) different rules. Could that work for you?

I hope you can see the thinking of countries: if they can get something out of you and if you make it easy for them to see that, then they are more likely to let you in. So, please, make it easy for them to see you as a benefit to their country.

Alternatively, Forbes suggests that you can buy citizenship in a country and live there. If you are lucky enough to have the funds, good on you. If not, then Forbes also has an article on an Italian village paying you to move there. Over the last few years, some countries, such as Italy, have come up with ideas to attract people so that their rural communities can survive. Look around online and find your perfect location in the sun.

Whatever may happen, if the rules in your place don’t suit you, then please do whatever it takes to stay safe. I’m thinking abortion, women’s and LGBTQ+ healthcare in the USA in particular. Please, think of your (existing or potential) children and also of yourself first and foremost! Think critically about where you want to live.

Go for it and get out!

99, 100, 101, 102… how many more days of war?

It’s been more than a 100 days of war in Ukraine since the strike on 23 February 2022 turned the ongoing occupation into an active war again.

More than 100 days!

Photo by Kostiantyn Stupak from Pexels

I can’t even go without chocolates or without a glass of wine for 100 days without patting myself on the back afterwards!

When was the last time you did something unusual and out of the ordinary for 100 days? How did that go?

As for Ukraine, they need all the help they can get – and then some. Russian troops are still attacking, missiles are still hitting and people are still getting killed. Too many are being killed and that includes innocent people and children also. Too many are being replaced and have to flee the cities and villages they have lived in. Too many have seen or experienced horrors they will never forget.

So what can we do?

From a distance, it’s easy to think that one can’t do much. I disagree. I think there are a lot of things that can be done.

First and foremost, stay healthy yourself. You can only help others if you are alive and able to help. That’s why it is important that you look after yourself physically and mentally so that you can step up when needed.

Second, you have to keep your country “healthy”, stable and well functioning. You do this by voting for a government which serves you and your country in the best possible way. Always choose the party which acts on your interests. Look at their actions and judge them on it. Yes, judge them on their actions and then vote accordingly!

Their words barely matter. Their words don’t matter because they are cheap and easy. If you must listen to their words, then always compare them to the actions as well.

Actions on the other hand take time, consideration and effort. Without putting energy, time and often money into actions, they will not happen. So go and vote for the party that DOES things for you and also for the wider community.

Because if your own country is struggling, you won’t be able to stand up to oppressors. At this point, the oppressor may be external to the country or the oppressor may be internal in the form of domestic terrorism. So, go and vote for the party that makes your country strong for now and into the future.

If you are fortunate enough to have spare bedrooms, you can volunteer to host refugees from Ukraine. More than 6 million refugees have fled and need safe places to stay. That is more than the whole population of Norway or Singapore!

Last but not least, please continue to give – if you can – to support Ukraine in it’s fight for self-determination. Because if Ukraine falls, who knows who will be next… and when we will be next.

Look after yourself and vote!

We must do better!

Those are the words of Matthew McConaughey, a Uvalde native, after the mass shooting at Robb Elementary school in Ulvade, Texas.

He is right. We must do better!

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

All of us have 24 hours a day which present themselves with plenty of opportunities to choose how to respond and how to act. This includes the smallest of actions like stopping to pet the dog who comes up to you in the morning which has shown health benefits or simply to walk past. It includes more impactful decisions like walking away from a toxic job or sticking with it. It includes the decision to call your representative to come up with better gun laws. You can find your representative and if you need a little help, here is a “How to Call” page to set you up for success.

After all, there are laws and checks and licenses for driving a car even in Texas, so why not for guns?

The reason there are little to no gun laws is because politicians have no incentive to change the current laws. Yes, there is an attempt by the Democratic party to raise the age limit for purchasing semi-automatic rifles from 18 to 21. This is a good first step and it is backed up by a Washington Post investigation into school shootings suggesting that the “median age of school shooters is 16”.

Will it work though? Will Republicans agree and pass the law? OR will the GOP block gun laws?

That depends on you and the choices you make and the actions you take. If you call your representative to urge them to implement gun laws, then they will be compelled to take action. This is how democracy works. The people decide what they want and the representative take action upon the people’s wishes. That is why “we the people” need to do our part and make our voices heard – every single day.

We must do better!

We must demand better!

We must demand better gun laws!