Learn to think. Then go and think yourself to a better life!

I’ve recently read the book “de Bono’s Thinking Course” by Edward de Bono. Turns out, I wasn’t proficient in thinking yet. This is important to me because making good decisions based on thorough analysis leads to a better life.

Then I ran into issues with my website and I definitely needed to think fast. Initially, I tried to fix it myself given that I have learned a lot about it this year. Then, the website completely disappeared due to a technical issue and I knew, I can’t fix it myself and had to ask for help. This also was a decision which I took based on knowing that I don’t have the expertise to fix it myself. Part of thinking is to understand the information you have at hand and what is missing. In this case, an expert fixed the issue and all is well again.

Why is thinking important in your life?

Being able to “think well” is always of benefit. It will help getting tasks done quicker at work or help you understand your friend’s point of view and are able to offer good advice or allows you to deal with official matters (insurance claims, taxes, applying for a student loan…) much more efficiently. Every area of life can benefit from better thinking.

Most importantly, it allows you to analyze and question your own beliefs and biases. This may just open your mind to new experiences and ways to view the world. As a result, you will be open to new opportunities and you can then plan to seek out those opportunities which will benefit you the most.

Types of thinking

Before going any further, it may be good to point out that there are different types of thinking, some of which may come more natural to you than others.

Daniel Kahneman’s book “Thinking fast and slow” is a prime example of a book showing different ways of thinking. Then there is critical thinking which analyses a given hypothesis and data set. This is generally the type of thinking we come across during our school years. Critical thinking is often contrasted with creative thinking which is often used to come up with novel ideas.

New business products and services are always in demand and they are the only way successful businesses stay in demand. The challenge is that it is hard to come up with new products which have never been seen before. After all, critical thinking which judges something that already exists, will not be enough at the early stages of coming up with creative ideas.

Small actions to take today to become a better thinker

All types of thinking can be learned and improved with intentional action. It also does not matter what education or certifications you have already. All that matters is your interest and willingness to improve your thinking.

If you are like me and have never needed to think about thinking, I recommend starting where you are and analyzing how you think at the moment. What type of thinker are you? How much time do you take to come to conclusions? When was the last time that you consciously changed your mind on an important topic? Have you noticed a difference between your approach to thinking and other people’s approaches? Which type of thinking would you like to improve?

Once you know your current thinking style, it’s worth learning about this style to see if there is anything you can improve upon it. I surely learned a lot from the “Thinking Course” book. When you are happy with your main thinking style, I suggest branching out and learn more about the thinking techniques which come less natural to you. I bet that with a little practice, you’ll get better and as a result, your life will get better also.

I encourage you to learn about thinking and better your life.

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