Step Up, Run For Office And Save A Life

Running for office is not only trendy these days, it is also important to create the world you want to live in.

Whether you want to stop mass shootings in schools or in general, enable healthcare for everyone or prevent wildfires, it pays to be in a position of power to make your mark on the world.

But why ME? Aren’t there enough people who want to run the country?

That’s a question I hear a lot and you are right. You are right. There are A LOT of people who want to impose their view of the world onto others through being in a position of power. That is the reason why it is important to fully participate yourself. Otherwise, it will be others who create their ideal world – whether you like it or not. For example, Wayne LaPierre (CEO and Executive VP of the NRA) has a clear idea of how he wants the world to look like and so does Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito who is busy overturning Roe v Wade and then banning contraception and then banning LGBTQ rights. Who knows where it will end.

That is why it is important for YOU to take action also.

Photo by Markus Spiske from Pexels

I know, it may be out of your comfort zone or involve skills which you need to learn first. I hope you understand that any skills you acquire whilst preparing for or engaging in any official role will benefit you in the job market also.

If you think it is too hard or takes too much of your time though, think again. Many initial roles don’t take too much time and are a good opportunity to learn about the organization. For example, before running for your school board, you may want to start with attending school board meetings and raising issues there. Once you are familiar with the process, people and set up, you can decide to run yourself.

Just imagine, if every parent with a child in school would bring valid issues to the school board with the same determination, I’m sure they would be run differently – and possibly by different people.

The same holds true for the organizing members of Toastmasters clubs, local councils all the way to Congress. You can only influence what you are actively participating in. Voting is a great first step, but sometimes, it is not enough. Sometimes, it is important to take action yourself.

If you want to participate and think that you don’t have the money or the time to participate, think again. In 2018, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortezwas outspent by a margin of 18 to 1 ($1.5 million to $83,000)” and won against a 10 term incumbent. She did this through grassroots mobilization and to this day, Ocasio-Cortez does not take donations from corporations. Yes, it can be done.

Now imagine what you could do if you put your mind to it. Imagine the world you want to live in.

What will you do? Stand by the sidelines or step up for what you believe in? Take that action and create the world you deserve!