I’m sorry

Last August, I wrote a post on consistency and that I had a grand plan on being consistent from then on. Well, as you know, that didn’t happen. Not even a bit… and I’m sorry about that.

I regret having stopped writing and for not giving you something to read. It was my mistake entirely and I don’t have any excuses for it. I found a good new job for which I needed to relocated into a country. I was enthused, happy and had a new start or so I thought. It didn’t quite turn out that way with house hunting, settling into the new job and settling into the new city. That’s why I don’t know why I didn’t continue writing throughout this transition since it has always been a way of dealing with stress.

More importantly, I didn’t even write once I noticed how long it had been (4 months at that point) and I know exactly why that was: I felt ashamed and embarrassed. Least logically, I thought that I’d be judged harshly. Why I imagined that given all your kind and thoughtful comments, I don’t know.

I’m sorry

It must be annoying to you, my dear reader, to have me drop off the radar – especially after my last post. If I were in your shoes, I’d be disenchanted to say the least and I concede any disappointment with my lousy performance.

I let you down by promising to write regularly and immediately broke this promise. That’s so much worse then stopping because I intended to do exactly the opposite. I’m sorry. I know it will require hard work hard, stability and regular posts to regain your trust and readership.

So, from now on, I’ll try again to bring some consistency to my life and this time, I’m prepared for life taking an unexpected turn or two. Yes, I’ve started to set 30 minutes minimum aside (more at weekends) to write, improve the site and get back to you. It’s based on the “keep the chain going” thinking that I’ve stumbled across and find useful. In addition, I have a couple of hours at the weekend to catch up in case the daily 30 minutes is not possible on any given day.

I hope you can forgive me, keep coming back and continue reading.


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